the birth of a blog


I guess the beginning of a blog is like the beginning of a life. I don't know what is going to happen. I know how I'll try to raise it at the beginning. But eventually it will have a mind and a life of it's own. It'll do things that I don't want to let it do. It will hang out with blogs that aren't such a good influence. It may even refuse to talk to me for months or years. But it will always be mine. Or it might die within the next few months. How morbid.

Now you should know who I am. My name is Wes and I'm the happiest man in the world. In the last year, I have somehow acquired a college degree, my perfect job, and a beautiful girlfriend. I have all the awesome "things" I'll ever need: a big screen tv, an xbox 360, a laptop, three basses, two bass amps, a car, and of course, an iPhone. But that's not why I'm the happiest man in the world. I've got Jesus Christ living inside me. Even though that is what I'm about, that won't be what I'll talk about. Why? Hmm. Good question. It doesn't seem like that's what people would want to read about. And I really like to show that committed Christians are still people. We have lives and dreams and ideas. So this is about those.

So what about my life and dreams and ideas? I'll have to tell you about that later. It's too late and I'm too tired. So I hope you're looking forward to the future of this blog. Next time I'll tell you why I started it and maybe I'll explain the origin of the name.


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