

I've recently started to enjoy a TV show. It's not so strange except that this is an old show, its been around for years. And it's a cartoon, and I'm generally above the age of normal cartoon watchers. It's a show called King of the Hill. It's about a man named Hank Hill, a propane salesman living in Texas. The thing that really attracts me to the show is it's values. Hank has a family and a job, and his whole life is about doing his best at work to support and enjoy his family. It's funny to watch him deal with modern, complicated issues like workers comp, yoga, and various social issues. His ways of dealing with these issues make me very happy. He can't believe that people can be dishonest. He's appalled by the notion. And he lives a very simple life of hard work, loving family and friends, and doing what the Bible says. I love it.

I think I know why the show was set in Texas. I had a conversation about the differences between northeners and southeners today. I've noticed this in college. My friends from the north have very different mindsets than those in the south. People from the north know what hard work is. They are some of the hardest workers I know. They find meaning and identity in their work. The people I know from the south also work hard. But they usually won't place their meaning and identity in it. Of course, I am generalizing, and there are always exceptions. But if you look at my life as an example. Whatever my job is, I'll work hard in it. But acquiring money and advancing is not my only goal. Money is definitely a good thing to have. And it's important to make enough of it. But I think that hapiness can and should be found in simpler things.

There's a song I like. It was actually made up for a TV show, a cartoon I like as a kid. But it was sung by Randy Travis. Here are the lyrics:

You can offer me a diamond-plated pearl;
You can send me all the riches in the world;
You can tempt me with the palaces of kings;
I'd give 'em back in a big ol' sack and keep the simple things

I've got the simple things; I've got the rain in spring,
Got spicy chicken wings, and French-fried onion rings

You can line me up a mile of limousines;
For me it don't add up to a hill o' beans;
I got no hankerin' for grabbin' your brass ring;
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things

I've got the summer breeze, got 16 cans of peas,
A two-speed window fan when it's 93 degrees,
So forgive me for not grabbin' your brass ring;
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things
It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things

I love that song. More money is not the ultimate goal. Hapiness can be found in french-friend onion rings or, my favorite, "a two-speed window fan when it's 93 degrees."

So that's my idea of keeping life simple. I think people add too much complication to life sometimes. So keep it simple.




I have a problem. My future is very bright, extremely bright. I'm not saying I'm in constant state of torture in my current situation. Things are going great and I am still the happiest man in the world. But there are incredible things to come, I think. There are events and situations that I have anticipated since I have been able to anticipate. My problem is not that I am lacking, or that I have nothing to look forward to. My problem is that I want to be in the future now.

When we were kids, we like to watch stories about peter pan and the kids that never had to grow up. Was that our wish too? I remember singing the toys"r"us commercials that said I don't want to grow up. I don't remember now if I truly wanted to stay a kid forever. But now I'm glad that I'm not still a kid. I'm glad I've grown up. And I don't want to have to wait for the benefits.

I want more than anything to be married. Some people don't think about that. Some don't even want it. But ever since I was a kid, I wanted a wife. And I wanted to be a husband. I have literally been looking for a wife since I was 12. To me, that relationship is the cornerstone of life. I've always felt that the joining of two people into one is a sacred and essential act, and I am restless to make that decisive commitment as soon as I can. I don't think I can explain why I am so eager. Some people would call it an evolutionary urge. Freud would say something about imitating my parents. I really can't tell you. I just know that from the start, I wanted a family. And it seems that the older I get, the more kids I want. It's just something I don't fully understand, but it's a desire that is impossible to control.

Fortunately, I've found the perfect woman. She won't agree to that, but I don't think the perfect woman would. I've found a woman that somehow meets everyone of my insane requirements. And then she surpasses my every expectation And then she somehow fulfills every desire I've ever secretly felt but never spoken. And on top of all that, she loves me as much as I love her. And she'll say even more. I've found the woman I want to marry. I've found the woman that I want to wake up and fall asleep next to every day for the next hundred years. I've found the woman I want to love and cherish forever.

But that can't happen now. And it's driving me crazy.

Somewhere within myself, I found a little wisdom on the subject. I told her, and myself, but mostly myself, that it's no use wanting to be in the future right now. Because no matter how hard we want it and how much we talk about it, we still will have to wait. So I've resolved myself to be patient, to be content with where, and when, I am. People who live in the future seem just as pathetic as people who live in the past. So I need to live for the now. I can't wait until I'm older. I should not just be treading water or marking time.

So there's my problem. I know it's probably the most insignificant problem anyone has ever had, but it's the biggest one I face right now. I'm not sure how to keep myself from this passion of eagerness for the future, but I must resolve myself to be quell my restlessness and be content.


wasted gifts


I was listening to a podcast today, like I do every day, and a woman was talking about how people are "an accumulation of detail." She said that most people are used to "not fully belonging or being one thing." And I thought about it. She was basically saying that no person is one thing. There are a lot of stereotypes about people and occupations and positions, and they're mostly true. But they're not completely true. I just watched a mob movie. Are all gangsters only concerned with whacking people, embezzling money, and eating cannoli? No, that's just a big part of it. Most people are a synthesis of beings.

So what am I? I think I ask this question too much, but let me answer it. I am a Christian. I am an American. I am a bowler. I am a movie watcher. I am a poker player. I am a podcast listener. I am a big fan of Dr. Pepper. I am an iPhone owner. I am a comedian. I am a Diplomacy player (great game by the way). These are individual identities that each come with their own stereotypes and clichés. But the category that my identity most resmbles is musician.

I love music. I've been a big fan of it since I was a kid. I've always loved listening. But then I discovered singing. Singing was great! You could sing whatever or whenever you want! So I joined a church choir, and then a boys choir in my town. I loved it. I could hear the notes and hit the pitches. It was easy and fun. Then I discovered instruments. How wonderful! That opened the door to theory, the order and system of music. I've always like to figure out patterns, and music was full of them. I taught myself scales and songs on the guitar and piano, and then the bass. I learned how to play the trombone in school. It was all patterns. If I heard a song, I could figure it out, and I loved figuring it out. But that wasn't all. Not only did I enjoy it for it's own sake, I got severely rewarded for it. My parents would brag to friends and family about me all the time. They always told me how good I was. The audience always applauded after I was done (I didn't know that it was just because I was a little kid). My mom always told me she was proud of me after I had finished a song. My dad was quick to buy me instruments and lessons. Music was great.

And that's how it all started. I still can't tell you completely why I love music. A lot of it is because it's easy. It wasn't til I got to college when I realized I really am good at music. I just thought no one tried hard enough. But eventually I realized that the theory of music, those patterns, came much easier to me than anyone else. It's a very, very strange thing to comprehend and embrace. That means I didn't do one thing to be good at music. I've met dozens of people who have little to no musical ability, but they love music just as much as I do. Some would really love to be able to do what I take advantage of every day. What I have is a gift.

I met a guy a few months ago that I didn't really like, but he said something that I will never forget. He was a friend of a friend, and we all went to an ice cream shop on a Friday night. We were planning to go play some video games afterwards. He was a friendly enough guy. But when he found out that all of us were musicians, he said, "You know, I just don't understand. There are so many people that wish they could have the talents and opportunity to play music for just one night, and you're all talented musicians that are about to go play video game. It's kind of a tragedy." Wow. That seriously affected me. That was a very heavy truth. And it's something I want to change. I tried to change after that. But it hasn't stuck. We'll see how that goes.

I mean yeah, I use my musical abilities. It's pretty much the only thing I ever get paid for (unless this blog thing works out). I'm in a few separate groups that have fun and meet. And now I'm realizing that's all for money too. But when do I ever play music for fun? How dumb am I? This will change.

It occurs to me what I'm doing. I have the biggest TV on the block, but I never watch it. I have the coolest car, but never drive it. I have the most beautiful wife, but I never kiss her. I have the tastiest steak in the world, but I never take a bite.

What gift are you wasting? Or is it just me?


an audience of one


I was reading something on the internet today that gave the statistics for the number of people who follow blogs. The thing that stuck out to me in this article was that most blogs have "an audience of one." Like I said, I think I can put words on a page together and make it fairly interesting. But I would never think that I am better at it than even half of the world. From the start, I expect to have no more than an audience of one. I told someone that I was writing a blog and their response was, "Can you make any money off of it?" I don't think they understand the point.

So now I'll tell you what the point of this is.

1. It keeps me busy. Like I've said before, I don't have a lot to do right now, and this seems like a productive way to use my ample time.

2. It's a record. I know that I'll enjoy reading this in the future. I don't necessarily care about what other people think about this, but I know it'll be entertaining for me.

3. Writing out my thoughts and ideas helps me organize and decide what I really think. I've often had to many opinions within myself. I have been known to argue with myself. I think that if I have to publish something to the world, I'll think it out and come up with my best decision.

So far only 3 people know that this blog exists and 1 knows how to get here. I'm basically writing for myself, but if anyone else finds it interesting, good for you.

I found a game online I enjoyed, mostly because you can do anything you want to accomplish the goal. Here it is in case you want to try it out.


"from time to time"


I'm a podcast junkie. I listen to 25 hours of podcasts a week. I listen when I'm driving, trying to get to sleep, waiting lines, or whatever else. They are a source of entertainment and education. I really enjoy listening to podcasts. The quote "from time to time" comes from one of my favorites. I also assume that I will post these blogs from time to time. You know how it is. You start something and you want to do it a lot. Then it gets boring or unrewarding, and you stop. So I won't post daily or weekly or monthly, just from time to time, whenever that may be.

I believed I also promised to tell you why I started writing this. There are, of course, many different reasons. First of all, I don't have much to do during the day right now, and I've somehow convinced myself that this is productive and a good use of my time. Also, I took an English class last semester that I absolutely hated, but it did remind me that I think I'm good at putting things into words so they are interesting and well-put. And as far as content goes, I think I have an unusual view of life. I'd definitely like to share it, and I thought you would like to read about it.

Like I've said before, I'm the happiest man in the world. I'll give you an example from last week. Last week, I was a counselor at a church camp. I came specifically to help with the music. I'm a bass player and they needed a bass player, but I also had the responsibilities of a counselor. I talked to the kids, played with them, and kept them in line. On the way there, one of the kids, who I know well, said something about how it really ticks him off when...ok, I really don't remember what it was what ticked him off. I actually think it was something about people driving poorly, which doesn't make sense since the kid is 11. But I told him, "Let me tell you a secret. The less things you let tick you off, the happier you'll be. The less annoyed you let yourself get, the less annoyed you'll be." I don't know where that came from. I've never heard it or thought it before, and certainly not out loud. But I realized it's how I live.

Red lights are annoying. They are really annoying. Have you ever been at a red light that never changed? There was no one coming for miles in either direction, and it would not hurt anyone if that red light would change so you could go. You did have places to be, it's not like you had all day to sit there. I used to fight that every time I sat at a red light. I had to tell myself that it doesn't matter what I think or say or yell, that red light is going to change when it was programmed to. It doesn't care where I have to be and when. It doesn't know that I'm staring it down and I'm ready to go as soon as it changes. It doesn't care that I'm angry with it. It doesn't care about anything. And unless I know how to program the lights at the intersection, there is no possible way to change it. Once I realized that, everything was different. The time was just there. If I was to be late, I would be late. That realization brings incredible freedom.

Once this realization was applied to everything else that makes me mad, I no longer get mad. I am free from anger and frustration. That's helped me become the happiest man in the world. I don't know what else to say about it. That's it. So I'll post again later. I'll tell you something else about who I am or what I think or something. Until next time.


the birth of a blog

I guess the beginning of a blog is like the beginning of a life. I don't know what is going to happen. I know how I'll try to raise it at the beginning. But eventually it will have a mind and a life of it's own. It'll do things that I don't want to let it do. It will hang out with blogs that aren't such a good influence. It may even refuse to talk to me for months or years. But it will always be mine. Or it might die within the next few months. How morbid.

Now you should know who I am. My name is Wes and I'm the happiest man in the world. In the last year, I have somehow acquired a college degree, my perfect job, and a beautiful girlfriend. I have all the awesome "things" I'll ever need: a big screen tv, an xbox 360, a laptop, three basses, two bass amps, a car, and of course, an iPhone. But that's not why I'm the happiest man in the world. I've got Jesus Christ living inside me. Even though that is what I'm about, that won't be what I'll talk about. Why? Hmm. Good question. It doesn't seem like that's what people would want to read about. And I really like to show that committed Christians are still people. We have lives and dreams and ideas. So this is about those.

So what about my life and dreams and ideas? I'll have to tell you about that later. It's too late and I'm too tired. So I hope you're looking forward to the future of this blog. Next time I'll tell you why I started it and maybe I'll explain the origin of the name.


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